
如何写thesis statement

如何写thesis statement


如何写thesis statement

Thesis statement 在整个文章中有着重要的作用,它是整个文章的灵魂,所以写好它,就等于文章写了一半出来,在写thesis statement 必须要做到以下几点:21. 一个好的论文必须有一个Point 和 purpose 2. 考虑一下你为什么要写这篇论文3. 你的文章为什么值得读者去读,他们能从中得到什么4. 你要说服读者去做什么,给他们带来什么启示5. thesis statement 必须是一个完整的句子,去陈述这篇论文的结论和为什么会有这个conclusion. 3下面是一些thesis statement 的例子,大家可以慢慢体会,从中学习。 Thesis Statement Examples:· America is experiencing a health care crisis because of an aging population and rising health care costs.· Health is achieved through a combination of exercise, proper diet, relaxation, and strong social relationships.· The North won the American Civil War because of its larger population and stronger industrial base, which allowed it to make more weapons and supplies than the South.