
有一首歌:球迷之歌(OLE)ole ole-we are the champ出自哪?

有一首歌:球迷之歌(OLE)ole ole-we are the champ出自哪?


有一首歌:球迷之歌(OLE)ole ole-we are the champ出自哪?

这是2000年欧洲杯主题曲,歌名叫“我们是冠军”又最“球迷之歌”。  歌词为:The name of the gameFootball! The name of the game Football! The name of the game Football! The name of the game Ole OLe OLe Ole we are the champ,we are the champions Ole OLe OLe Ole we are the champ,we are the champions Ole OLe OLe Ole we are the champ,we are the champions Soccer, soccer, soccer(Rap1) The name of the game is "football". Pass me a brew It's about time for kick off Over the head kick Looking for that super Goal one,two,three! (Rap2) Tip your hat to the days! Inside out kick "Shoot:the bird!" throw your hands in the air set up then wave one,two,three! Ole Ole Ole Ole We are the champ We are the champions Ole Ole Ole Ole...... Ole Ole Ole Ole We are the champ We are the champions  2000年欧洲杯是欧锦赛历史上第一次由两个国家(比利时和荷兰)联合主办,但两个东道主都未能冲击冠军。而当法国队在决赛中击败意大利而夺冠时,没有多少人会质疑法国队的胜利。勒梅尔执教的这支法国队甚至比雅凯率领的夺得1998年世界杯冠军的那支法国队更出色,因为亨利和特雷泽盖这样的球员经过两年的磨练,已经从98年时的生涩新星成长为世界足坛的超级前锋。