




I met her at a backyard blockparty by the bar. 我和她相遇在人潮拥挤的酒吧派队 And she kept lookin' at me like she knew who I was. 她一直看着我仿佛她认识我 She was buzzin' all over me. She was buzzin' all over me. She was buzzin' all over me like she fell in love. 围绕在我身边,她是如此热情喧闹,似乎她爱上了我 Bang bang baby shot me in the heart, in the dark, 砰砰,宝贝,在黑暗中你击中我的心灵 with the dart of the spark 用你那闪动的活力激情 when it hit. When we met at the spot 当我们遇上那一刻 it was hot, like this song saw the thong, it was on. 是如此火热,就象播放的这首歌 Now it's 8 in the mornin' 现在是早上八点了 I move on like the Greyhound bus I go town to town and I prey on sluts. 我捕猎这个放荡的女孩就象灰狗长途汽车匆匆从一个城镇到另一个城镇 I got to go, so scream out your area code. 我得走了,大声告诉我你的区号吧 I'm comin' all the way 无论如何,我都会再回来 live from the 310! I gotta whole lot of love 生活在310区,我得到了很多的爱 but none like you. 但是从来没有人象你那样 You make me wanna stay here in heaven with you. 你让我想要永远和你呆在天堂 I'll write your name in the sand, 我将写你的名字在沙滩上 put your hand with mine. 紧握你的双手 Come on baby, shoot your gun in the sky! 来吧,宝贝,对着天空鸣枪庆祝 I met her at a backyard blockparty by the bar. 我和她相遇在人潮拥挤的酒吧派队 And she kept lookin' at me like she knew who I was. 她一直看着我仿佛她认识我 She was buzzin' all over me. She was buzzin' all over me. She was buzzin' all over me like she fell in love. 围绕在我身边,她是如此热情喧闹,似乎她爱上了我 Bang bang baby hit me one time, 砰砰,宝贝,你一次击中我的心 two days on the road and you're still on my mind. 两天过去了,我徘徊路上,你仍然在我心里挥之不去 You'd think that I would learn 'cause I'm young and fine 你一定认为我会知道,因为我年轻朝气 But I'm broke, so I'm tryin' to make a hustle out of rhyme. 但是我没有,我试图匆忙脱离我乱了节奏的思绪 I gotta see the world one girl at a time, 这一刻在这个世界上我只想看到一个女孩 but you're hangin' on my sleeve like I care that you're cryin' and I do 但是你挂着我的衣袖好象我很在意你正在哭泣似的,然而是的,我在意 I'm just tryin' to play it cool I got a rep to protect, 尽管我极力表现得很酷 ,我要维护我的自尊 down at the high school. Why you tryin' to cage me in 为什么在高中里你想要囚禁我的行为 and when I leave we both know that you'll be pagin' him 当我离开时我们都知道你将会立刻寻呼他 and when I come back we gonn' do it again. 但当我回来我们会再次这样做 I promise we gonn' do it again. 我发誓我们会再次这样的 I met her at a backyard blockparty by the bar. 我和她相遇在人潮拥挤的酒吧派队 And she kept lookin' at me like she knew who I was. 她一直看着我仿佛她认识我 She was buzzin' all over me. She was buzzin' all over me. She was buzzin' all over me like she fell in love. 围绕在我身边,她是如此热情喧闹,似乎她爱上了我 Bang bang, I wanna give you my name 砰砰,我想要给你我的名字 but I'm tryin' to put some diamonds in my Shwayze chain. 我试着将钻石镶进刻有我名字Shwayze的项链上 Babies change, they start showin' them fangs 宝贝,改变以下吧,热门已经开始展示他们的利齿了 tryin' to take a ride on those crazy trains. 试着踏上那些疯狂的列车 Choo choo. What the hell am I to do? 该死,我都做了什么 I got a girl in every city from here to Peru. 从这里到秘鲁每个城市我都有一个女孩 When I left you, I signed my name on your left boob 离开你的时候,我将名字签在你的左胸 now go get that tattoed, 现在将它文身吧 I'll be back soon. 我很快就回来了 Don't cry, I'll bust you with a text soon. 不要哭泣,我会很快发短信联系你 I gotta go, but I'll be back next June. Or July. 我离开了,但是我将在下一个六月或者七月回来 Sparks in the sky.She said, 'Boy you crazy.' 漫天星光,她说,你真是疯狂的男孩 Nah, I'm Shwayze. 没错,因为我是Shwayze I met her at a backyard blockparty by the bar. 我和她相遇在人潮拥挤的酒吧派队 And she kept lookin' at me like she knew who I was. 她一直看着我仿佛她认识我 She was buzzin' all over me. She was buzzin' all over me. She was buzzin' all over me like she fell in love. 围绕在我身边,她是如此热情喧闹,似乎她爱上了我 And I don't know what she was on. 不知道她现在怎样 Whatever it was, I want some. 无论怎样,我希望知道 She was buzzin' all over me. She was buzzin' all over me. She was buzzin' all over me like she fell in love. 围绕在我身边,她是如此热情喧闹,好象她爱上了我