
碧昂斯 Halo歌词

碧昂斯 Halo歌词


碧昂斯 Halo歌词

碧昂斯 ---歌词---HaloRemember those walls I built我还记得那些我砌起的高墙Well baby they're tumbling down亲爱的 看吧 现在它们都已倒塌And they didn't even put up a fight它们甚至没有反抗什么They didn't even make a sound它们吭都不吭一声I found a way to let you in我就这样鲁莽的让你进入了我的世界But I never really had a doubt但我从未怀疑过你Standing in the light of your halo站在你的光环之下I got my angel now我找到了我的守护天使It's like I've been awakened这就好像我被你唤醒一样Every rule I had you breakin'每个束缚都让你谈贺型打破It's the risk that I'm takin'我是我冒的一个险I ain't never gonna shut you out我不会把你拒而不理Everywhere I'm looking now不管现在我走到哪里I'm surrounded by your embrace我都被你的拥抱拥护着Baby I can see your halo亲爱的 我能看到你那神圣的光环You know you're my saving grace你知道吗 你就是我的守护神You're everything I need and more你是我拍滚需要的一切 甚至更多It's written all over your face这都被写到你的脸上Baby I can feel your halo亲爱的 我能感到你那神圣的光环Pray it won't fade away我祈祷它永远都不会消逝I can feel your halo (halo) halo我可以感觉到你的光环I can see your halo (halo) halo我可以清清楚楚的看到它I can feel your halo (halo) haloI can see your halo (halo) haloWoah...Hit me like a ray of sun你就像一缕阳光一样照射着我Burning through my darkest night点亮我最黑暗的夜晚You're the only one that I want你是我的唯一含猜Think I'm addicted to your light我已经沉溺于你所给予的光芒I swore I'd never fall again我发誓我再也不会颓靡But this don't even feel like falling但我现在岂不是又是一种颓靡吗?Gravity can't forget我不能过度依赖于你To pull me to the ground again请松开我 让我自己站起来