




Maxwell--It s OK 来自纽约的节奏蓝调性灵歌手Maxwell,以一头蓬松的头发及其浪漫感性、丰沛情感建构的音乐观在乐坛卓然自成一格。96年步入乐坛发行首张专辑「Maxwell‘s Urban Hang Suite」,旋即专辑与单曲「Ascension(Don’t Ever Wonder)」双双打入全美节奏蓝调榜Top 10,并且获得“滚石”杂志乐评票选为「最佳节奏蓝调艺人」,”时代杂志”亦将这张专辑选做1996年十大最杰出专辑之一,进而荣获葛莱美奖「最佳节奏蓝调专辑」奖项的提名。而在97年“Soul Train(灵魂列车)”音乐奖中,Maxwell更是抱走叁项大奖:「最佳节奏蓝调/灵魂乐男性艺人单曲」、「最佳节奏蓝调/灵魂乐男性艺人专辑」,以及「最佳节奏蓝调/灵魂或饶舌乐新进艺人」等。由于首张专辑的杰出表现,使得Maxwell被视做九零年代末期Urban音乐最具代表性的人物。 and 1, and 2 why don't u leave me when i really need me , myself and I ,baby i don't want u to change my mind ah ah I forget this forget about a night so wonderful so mense Stiring ur finger in my pie ah but... heat it up don't heat it up i might have falling love with style it's ok i want u baby know it's ok love me tonight it's ok i want u baby know it's ok , it's ok (X2) rap: can you still me baby i am ok every night and everyday u don't what i want i know what i really was stay away of me another day we need another man man is having mine don't u wanna let it go every other day every this is pay come on come on come on but... heat it up don't heat it up i might have falling love with style it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok i want u baby know it's ok love me tonight it's ok i want u baby know it's ok , it's ok it' ok呵呵 希望是你要的 我很喜欢这首歌呢