




painkiller[英]['peɪnkɪlə(r)][美][ˈpenˌkɪlɚ]n.止痛药; 复数:painkillers例句:1.But several of his patients have had experiences relating to the epidemic of painkiller addiction. 可是他有几个真正的病人却曾被卷入止痛药成瘾的风波之中。2.Scientists find link between mild painkiller use in pregnancy and raised risk of having a son with cryptorchidism 科学家发现在怀孕初期使用温和止痛药和所产男宝宝得到隐睾症的风险有关联。3.She stopped taking the painkiller, in case she was allergic to it, but the rash kept spreading. 她停止服用止痛药,也许她得的是过敏,但皮疹依旧蔓延。4.Update: on february 14th britain's food standards agency said that eight horses slaughtered in the country tested positive for the painkiller bute and six of them may have entered the food chain in france. 实时数据:2月14日,英国食品标准局表示法国一家屠宰场受检的八只马体内马用止痛药药检呈阳性,其中六只已流入其市场。5.A team led by richard beasley of the medical research institute of new zealand studied the link between the use of paracetamol, a painkiller frequently used for young children, and asthma. 由新西兰医学研究所专家richard beasley带领的研究小组发现少儿常用的止痛药扑热息痛与哮喘病有关。