
翻译歌词 numb

翻译歌词 numb


翻译歌词 numb

I'm tired of being what you want me to be 我已经厌倦成为你想要的样子Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface 感觉没了信仰 伪装下面内心已经丢失I don't know what you're expecting of me 我不知道你对我有何期待Put under the pressure, of walking in your shoes 穿你的鞋子散步 感觉压力是有(Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow)(被逆流席卷,只是被逆流席卷)Every step that I take is another mistake to you 我所迈的每一步对你来说都是另外一个错误(Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow) (被逆流席卷,只是被逆流席卷)[Chorus:]I've become so numb 我已经变得麻木了I can't feel you there 我无法感觉你在那Become so tired, so much more aware 变得如此疲倦 对此知道得很清楚I'm becoming this, all I want to do 我变成了这副样子 所有想做的Is be more like me and be less like you 就是做回我自己而不是像你Can't you see that you're smothering me?你有没有看到你正在使我窒息Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control 抓得如此之紧,害怕失去控制'Cause everything that you thought I would be就因为这样在你心中我样子Has fallen apart, right in front of you都土崩瓦解 就在你面前(Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow)(被逆流席卷,只是被逆流席卷)Every step that I take is another mistake to you 我所迈的每一步对你来说都是另外一个错误(Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow) (被逆流席卷,只是被逆流席卷)An' every second I waste is more than I can take 每一秒我浪费的比我得到多很多[Chorus:]I've become so numb 我已经变得麻木了I can't feel you there 我无法感觉你在那Become so tired, so much more aware 变得如此疲倦 对此知道得很清楚I'm becoming this, all I want to do 我变成了这副样子 所有想做的Can't you see that you're smothering me?你有没有看到你正在使我窒息Is be more like me and be less like you 就是做回我自己而不是像你I may end up failing too 我可能就此陨落终止But I know但是我知道You were just like me 你过去也极像我With someone disappointed in you 某个人对你也很失望[Chorus:]I've become so numb 我已经变得麻木了I can't feel you there 我无法感觉你在那Become so tired, so much more aware 变得如此疲倦 对此知道得很清楚I'm becoming this, all I want to do 我变成了这副样子 所有想做的Is be more like me and be less like you就是做回我自己而不是像你I've Become so numb 我已经变得麻木了I can't feel you there 我无法感觉你在那I'm tired of being what you want me to be我已经厌倦成为你想要的样子I've become so numb 我已经变得麻木了I can't feel you there 我无法感觉你在那I'm tired of being what you want me to be我已经厌倦成为你想要的样子 numb中文歌词 麻木我受够了你想让我去做的事感觉如此虚假,在肤浅的表面下那么迷茫我不知道按照你的样式给我那么多压力你对我有什么期望(回过头去看那些往事)我变得如此麻木我甚至感觉不到你在那我变的那么疲惫,更加的警觉我已经变成这样,所有我想做的只是做回自己而不是变成另一个你难道你不知道你在扼杀我吗?抱得那么紧害怕失去控制因为一切你想让我做的事都已经在你面前摔 的 粉 碎(回过头去看那些往事)似乎我走过的每一步对你来说都只是另一个错误罢了(回过头去看那些往事)我浪费的每一秒钟都让我无法承受!我变得如此麻木我甚至感觉不到你在那我变的那么疲惫,更加的警觉我已经变成这样,所有我想做的只是做回自己而不是变成另一个你但我知道也许最后我也会以失败告终但我知道你也会和我一样,对自己如此失望!我变得如此麻木我甚至感觉不到你在那我变的那么疲惫,更加的警觉我已经变成这样,所有我想做的只是做回自己而不是变成另一个你Numb中文释义:numbKK: []DJ: []a.1. 失去感觉的,麻木的[(+with)]My fingers were numb with cold.我的手指冻僵了。2. 惊呆的,发愣的vt.1. 使失去感觉,使麻木2. 使惊呆,使发愣He was numbed by his wife's sudden death.妻子的突然去世使他惊呆了