英文翻译 后来 的歌词
的有关信息介绍如下:After all 后来 刘若英后来After all我总算学会了如何去爱I learned how to love finally but too late可惜你早已远去消失在人海For that you had already gone后来After all 终于在眼泪中明白I see it through my tearful eyes有些人一旦错过就不再Someone you will miss all life long桅子花白花瓣落Gardenias’ pedal fell在我蓝色百褶裙上Like flake onto my blue dress「爱你」你轻声说Love You you whisper to me 我低下头闻见一阵芬芳I bowed my head in the floral aroma那个永恒的夜晚Always recall me until now十七岁仲夏Summer in seventeen你吻我的那个夜晚You kissed me in the mid night让我往后的时光In the rest time of my life每当有感叹Whenever I sigh总想起当天的星光Would see stars so bright那时候的爱情Love story at that time为什么就能那样简单Why can be so easy and so natural而又是为什么I also want to know人年少时When we were young一定要让深爱的人受伤Why we can’t help to hurt each other 在这相思的深夜里So in this tranquil middle night你是否一样Would you or would not也在静静追悔感伤Sit awake in the silence如果当时我们能Only if we were not so 不那么倔强Stubborn and sure现在也不那么遗憾Today we will not so regret你都如何回忆我How do you remember me带着笑或是很沉默With smile or with no word这些年来Al these years有没有人能让你不寂寞Who can dispel your solitude后来After all我总算学会了如何去爱I learned how to love finally but too late可惜你早已远去消失在人海For that you had already gone后来After all 终于在眼泪中明白I see it through my tearful eyes有些人一旦错过就不再Someone you will miss all life long永远不会再重来Never come it back again有一个男孩爱着那个女孩Those stories we’ve both undergone