




nature n. 自然;性质;本性;种类1. N-UNCOUNTNature is all the animals, plants, and other things in the world that are not made by people, and all the events and processes that are not caused by people. 大自然例:The most amazing thing about nature is its infinite variety.大自然最让人惊叹的地方在于它的无限多样性。例:...grasses that grow wild in nature.…自然界生长的野草2. N-SINGThe nature of something is its basic quality or character. 本质例:Mr. Sharp would not comment on the nature of the issues being investigated.夏普先生不愿就被调查问题的本质发表评论。例:The rise of a major power is both economic and military in nature.一个大国的崛起本质上既是经济上的,也是军事上的。3. N-SING Someone's nature is their character, which they show by the way they behave. 性格 [with poss, also 'by' N]例:Jeya feels that her ambitious nature made her unsuitable for an arranged marriage.耶雅觉得她的雄心勃勃的个性使她不适合包办婚姻。例:She trusted people. That was her nature.她信任人,那是她的天性。