的有关信息介绍如下:(1)2006年比2007年少百分之几? 2007年占2006年的百分之几? (2)Sir Winston and Lady Churchill were deeply moved by this mark of respect and affection. Neither of them, of course, allowed the donors to see how much they both disliked the portrait," It makes me look stupid-which I am not ," protested Churchill in private. Publicly, he only remarked that it was " a fine example of modern art". his friends smiled: it was well known that Sir Winston did not care for mordern art. (温斯顿先生和丘吉尔夫人都被这一尊重的标志而深深感动。当然,他们没有一个人会让捐赠人看出他们是多么不喜欢这幅肖像。“它让我看起来很蠢--我并不是那个样子的。”丘吉尔私下里说。而在公共场合,他会评论这幅画是“现代艺术的一个很好榜样”,他的朋友们都笑了,众所周知温斯顿先生并不关心现代艺术。 ) (3)抱歉这个不好写很麻烦我空了。 (4)老人想:反正一只鞋子我不能穿了,要是外面的鞋子被人捡了也是只有一只就是两个人都亏了 还不如把另外一只也给了TA。 (5)洋洋洒洒 郁郁葱葱 (6)九寨沟:九寨沟美景盖世无双 (7)我认为寒假非常无聊,暑假会跟好因为寒假的作业不比暑假少,到那里都要担心作业的事情,玩的肯定不开心。