
50的英文是什么 ?

50的英文是什么 ?


50的英文是什么 ?

fifty / ˈfɪftɪ; ˋfɪftɪ/ pron, det 50; one more than forty-nine 50, 五十(个). =>App 4 见附录4.> fiftieth / ˈfɪftɪəθ; ˋfɪftɪɪθ/ pron, det 50th; next after forty-ninth 第50, 第五十(个). n one of fifty equal parts of sth 五十分之一.fifty n 1.the number 50 *50; 五十. 2.the fifties [pl] numbers, years or temperature from 50 to 59 从50到59的数目﹑ 年数或温度: The total amount is in the fifties. 总共五十多个. * She was born in the fifties, ie in the 1950's. 她生於五十年代. * How warm is it today? It's in the (high/low) fifties. 今天气温有多少度? 五十几度(不到六十度[五十度出头]). 3.(idm 习语) in one's fifties between the ages of 50 and 60 在50岁到60岁之间: She's in her early/mid/late fifties. 她五十刚出头[五十五岁左右/快六十岁了].# ,fifty-`fifty adj, adv (infml 口) shared or sharing equally between two 对半(的); 二一添作五: divide the profits on a fifty-fifty basis, ie take equal shares 平分利润 * a fifty-fifty chance of winning, ie an equal chance of winning or losing 胜负的可能性参半 * We went fifty-fifty on dinner, ie shared the cost equally. 我们平摊用餐费.,fifty `pence (also ,fifty `p, p) (Brit) (coin worth) fifty new pence 五十新便士(的硬币). For the uses of fifty and fiftieth see the examples at five and fifth. 关於fifty和fiftieth的用法见five和fifth词条中的示例.