




pretending[英][prɪ'tendɪŋ][美][prɪ'tendɪŋ]v.伪装; 假装( pretend的现在分词 ); (尤指儿童)(在游戏中)装扮; 自诩; 例句:1.It was no use pretending that I had not seen him, so I waved to him. 当我意识到不能假装没看见他时,我只好向他打了个招呼。2.That is why pretending to believe in total nuclear disarmament may be a necessary piece of westernhypocrisy. 正因如此,假装相信全面核裁军可能是西方式伪善的题中应有之义。3.Each of them had obediently tied a white napkin on their head and was pretending to be a sheikh in order tolearn about trust. 所有人都毕恭毕敬的在头上系了一块白色餐巾,装成一副酋长的样子,学习关于信任的道理。4.So you've been pretending to go to work for three weeks? 这么说你已经连着三个礼拜装作每天去上班?5.But peter cook played harold macmillan as a bumbling old buffer, who was bravely pretending against allevidence that the uk still led the world. 麦克米伦(harold macmillan)扮演成了一个装模作样的老家伙他勇敢的伪装,戳破了英国仍然是全世界老大的假象。望采纳,谢谢