sweets 是糖的意思,请问一粒糖怎么表达?
的有关信息介绍如下:一粒糖 A grain of sugar难过时,吃一粒糖,告诉自己生活是甜的!Sorry, eating a sugar, to tell their own life is sweet!www.ipart.cn他从河边走过,青蛙说:“你能给我一粒糖吗?”小老鼠没答应。A. He walked by the river. "Can you give me a candy?" said the frog, but the mouse didn't agree.www.cswfx.cn他从树林走过,小鸟说:“你能给我一粒糖吗?”小老鼠又没答应。A. He walked through the forest. "Can you give me a candy?" said the bird, but the mouse didn't agree.www.cswfx.cn