
I can see you smile的中文歌词

I can see you smile的中文歌词


I can see you smile的中文歌词

http://you.video.sina.com.cn/b/26290247-1304506704.html我看到你微笑我看到你哭泣你让我爱让我欢喜你让我孤独让我感伤请拉住我的手请走进我的心你让我理解了生命你让我懂得了世界因为我们是兄弟因为我们是朋友夜幕下我们永远分享着希望因为我们是兄弟因为我们是朋友愿阳光永远洒在你身上让我们一起拥有世界I can see you smile,I can see you cry,I am happy for your loveand I’m sad as you’re alone,You can touch my hand,you can touch my heart,you show me what life isand you help me know the worldI can hear your words,I can hear your songmay I sing your song with youtogether in harmonybecause we are brothers,because we are friendswe always share the lightin the dark of the nightbecause we are brothers.because we are friendsthe sun will always shine on youand make the world complete