




我好像有,找找......  刚开国F时,在台F的玩家们留下的.有些还是繁体呢.将就着看吧.  魔兽世界3.13、3.22、3.35版本死亡骑士常用宏整理  部分常用宏:  1)将寒冬号角与饰品绑定。  /use (name of trinket)  /cast horn of winter  或者,如果不担心号角的CD问题,也可以这样写:  /cast horn of winter  /use (name of trinket) 不确定哪个更好。  2)在施放亡者大军时使用速度药水。  /use speed potion  /cast army of the dead  3)把手套上的加速工程附魔与邪恶灵气绑定。  /cast unholy presence  /stop casting  /use (name of gloves)  4)召唤石像鬼与鲜血灵气绑定。  /cast summon gargoyle  /stopcasting  /cast blood presence  也可以用于食尸鬼,我主要在亡者之夜BUFF前使用。  PVP打对方治疗:  #showtooltip Leap  /cast [target=healersname] Leap  /petstay  如果能用符文打击就用符文打击,否则用死缠:  /cast Rune Strike  /cast Death Coil  三合一宏:有宠物时死亡契约,按Alt复生盟友,没有宠物召唤食尸鬼。  #showtooltip  /cast [target=pet,exists,nomodifier:alt,nodead] Death Pact; [modifier:alt] Raise Ally; Raise DeadI also use a great deal of simple "/cast [modifier:alt] ability; otherability" macros to save bar space. For example,  Alt时寒冰锁链,否则寒冰之触:  #showtooltip  /cast [modifier:alt]chains of ice; icy touch  给没有使用寒冬号角雕文的人:  /cancelaura Horn of Winter  /cast Horn of Winter  Alt - 邪恶命令,Ctrl - 死亡之握,鼠标移过 - 死亡缠绕  /cast [modifier:alt] Unholy Command; [modifier:ctrl] Death Grip; [target=mouseover] Death Coil; Death Coil  冰DK TANK宏:  需要60+符文能量  #showtooltip Frost Strike  /cast !Rune Strike  /cast Frost Strike  40+能量时图标会亮起,不过在少于60能量时只能放出符文打击。而当60+能量时,会施放冰霜打击然后是符文打击。  PVP中用啃食为宠物回血,或是偶尔需要在PVE中击昏。  /petautocaston Claw  /petautocaston Leap  /petautocastoff Gnaw  /petattack  另一个击昏的宠物宏:  /petautocastoff Claw  /petautocaston Leap  /petautocaston Gnaw  /petattack  Just have to be sure to set him back to normal if you want him to put out any kind of DPS. I've got my pet bar arranged in such a way so that the highlights on claw and gnaw are clearly visible as pet state indicator, and it works out pretty well.  On a side note, didn't realize Leap worked on friendly targets, I figured it had to be cast on an enemy. Thanks, Winco.  /cast blood tap  /cast unbreakable armor  I bind that to a convenient button (tilde) and remember to mash it now and again during bossfights, as long as I'm in the right phase of my cycle - all my runes cooling down. Unbreakable armor is a not-inconsiderable DPS buff (10% strength) while it's up, even if the bladed armor "ping" is poorly timed for you. The side effect is that if you do it really right and hit the macro while one of your blood runes is already a death rune, you'll bug that rune into staying a death rune for the duration of the blood tap buff. That's yet another little boost to your DPS as it allows you to avoid blood striking for a cycle or two.  Originally Posted by opacita  Is there a way to have Raise Ally go through the members of your party (regardless of their name) and have it try to cast on each one if they're dead? I'm thinking for an arena like situation.  This should work:  /cast [target=party1,exists,dead] Raise Ally; [target=party2,exists,dead] Raise Ally; [target=party3,exists,dead] Raise Ally; [target=party4,exists,dead] Raise Ally  If you wish to have it use a particular order, replace partyX with the names of your arena team mates.  use 13  /use 14  /cast [target=player] Hysteria  /cleartarget  /cast Dancing Rune Weapon  /cast Raise Dead  That's my DRW macro, which for some reason doesn't work 100 % properly. Trinkets + Hysteria work perfectly, DRW + Raise Dead do not. I do have to cast these two manually all the time and I just don't know why. If I removed that cleartarget thingy DRW works indeed but attacks from the front instead of from behind. Raise Dead doesn't work under no circumstances.  If anyone could fix this I guess this addon might be a good help for many people.  If you add an empty set of brackets after the mouseover part, it will strangulate your current target assuming you dont have the mouse hovering over anything.  /cast [target=mouseover,exists,harm,nodead] [] Strangulate  Unholy-Specific Macros  Ghoul jump to safety  #showtooltip Leap  /cast [target=healersname] Leap  /petstay  Rune Strike with any ability  #showtooltip WhateverAbility  /cast !Rune Strike  /cast WhateverAbility  Cast Death Coil on your target or, if you are holding shift, cast Death Coil on your pet, healing it  #showtooltip Death Coil  /cast [mod:shift,target=pet] Death Coil; Death Coil  An elementary Gargoyle Macro  #showtooltip Summon Gargoyle  /use potion of speed  /use trinket 13  /use trinket 14  /cast Summon Gargoyle  Refreshing Bone Shield without breaking your rotation  #showtooltip Bone Shield  /cast Blood Tap  /stopcasting  /cast Bone Shield  B1) Macros  1) Macros[/b]  Use a RS macro for every ability, for example here's a macro for IT:  #showtooltip  /cast Icy Touch  /cast !Rune StrikeThe '!' modifier on the Rune Strike makes sure that it won't toggle off RS.  鲜血系:  符文武器幻舞:  #showtooltip Dancing Rune Weapon  /cast [target=player] Dancing Rune WeaponCasting DRW on a Mob causes it to spawn in front of the Mob, whereas casting it targeting yourself causes it to spawn on top of you, who will ideally be standing behind the mob. The difference in DPS in small, but every bit counts.  Huge Burst Macro  #show Blood Fury  /use 10  /use Potion of Speed  /cast [target=player] Hysteria  /cast Blood Fury  /cast [target=player] Dancing Rune WeaponChug a haste pot, use any trinkets (The 10 above is the glove slot for engineers), cast Hysteria on yourself, Blood Fury for us Orcs, and finally summon your DRW  Mind Freeze Focus  #showtooltip Mind Freeze  /cast [target=focus,exists] Mind Freeze;Mind FreezeFor pesky interrupt fights  Alt给食尸鬼加血宏:  #showtooltip 死亡缠绕  /cast [nomodifier] 死亡缠绕; [modifier:alt,target=pet] 死亡缠绕  按住alt键使用死亡缠绕时是对食尸鬼加血,不按则正常使用。  打断施法宏  #showtooltip 心灵冰冻 :  /cast 心灵冰冻  /cast 绞杀  使用心灵冰冻,如心灵冰冻在cd则使用绞杀  寒冰锁链+死亡之握宏 :  #showtooltip 寒冰锁链  /cast寒冰锁链  /cast 死亡之握  快速连按两次,你的目标会慢慢地从空中飘过来  有食尸鬼主宰时让食尸鬼晕人 :  #showtooltip 死亡之握  /cast死亡之握  /cast 撕咬  能把目标拉过来然后晕3秒  17/0/54邪系死凋循环宏:  /castsequence reset=3/target 血魄打击,冰结之触,瘟疫打击,!死亡凋零,死亡缠绕,凛冬号角  /castsequence reset=3/target 瘟疫同化,天谴打击,天谴打击,血魄打击,死亡缠绕,死亡缠绕  焦点宏  /focus  几乎在每场boss战中都非常重要  狂血术宏  #showtooltip 狂血术  /cast [target=玩家名] 狂血术  通过这个宏可以实现不转目标给固定的某个团队成员施放狂血术,一般设为自己  符文武器幻舞宏  #showtooltip 符文武器幻舞  /cast [target=player] 符文武器幻舞  这个宏在你处在的位置释放符文武器幻舞,前提是你总站在boss背后输出。  用宏控制大军换目标和躲避ae,天鬼同样可以控制:  首先你要是邪恶天赋,点出食尸鬼大师,保证食尸鬼存活  然后做宏  /cast [target=player] 跳跃  /PETFOLLOW  然后将  /petattack  /施放 天谴打击(等级 4)  /cast 符文打击  其中/petattack绑定常用技能  效果是,咪咪龙中控制大军躲地震。  其中,在打双子时,有的团队要求换目标打盾,你可以控制大军转目标  注意:必须先要使用宏  /cast [target=player] 跳跃  /PETFOLLOW  然后再使用带petattack的宏  才会使大军换目标  测试后发现,天鬼同样可以用这种方法来控制转换目标  通用宏  #showtooltip  /cast 技能名称  /cast !符文打击  把各种技能跟符文打击绑在一起有时候可以骗到一些DPS,虽然不多就是了  凛冬攒能量宏:  /cancelaura 凛冬号角  /castsequence reset=20 凛冬号角(等级 1),凛冬号角(等级 2)  需要注意的是,这个宏,只能点2次,如果你在20秒内,点了第三次,那你身上的号角就会消失,我暂时还想不到更好的方案,或许用MOD函数写个会好一点  血魄转化宏:  #showtooltip 血魄转化  /cancelaura 血魄转化  /cast 血魄转化  强力推荐的宏,你是否曾经为了血魄转化打乱循环而苦恼,这个宏可以解决这个问题,用完血魄转化之后,把血符文消耗掉,再点一下这个宏,下一轮就不会刷出死符文了,其实手动点掉那个BUFF也行,用宏比较方便。  鲜血系无脑输出宏:  #showtooltip  /castsequence reset=target/combat 死亡打击,瘟疫打击,冰结之触,碎心打击,碎心打击,碎心打击,碎心打击,死亡打击,碎心打击,碎心打击  /cast 符文打击  或:  #showtooltip  /castsequence reset=target/combat 冰结之触,瘟疫打击,碎心打击,碎心打击,死亡打击,死亡打击,碎心打击,碎心打击,碎心打击,碎心打击  /cast 符文打击  这2个循环是不一样的,第二种是标准循环,第一种是我在打木桩专用的循环  符文剑专用宏:  /cast [target=player]符文武器幻舞  平时看符文剑用的宏  /use 10  /use 速度药水  /cast [target=player] 狂血术  /cast 兽人的狂暴  /cast [target=player] 符文武器幻舞  这个是嗜血或者BOSS某些阶段专用的符文剑宏  =========================漂亮的分割线===========================  铜墙铁壁宏  /console Sound_EnableSFX 0  /cancelaura 活力分流  /cast 铜墙铁壁  /console Sound_EnableSFX 1  /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()  一个紧急保命用的宏  简单的血魄输出宏  #showtooltip  /startattack  /castsequence reset=6/target/combat 冰冷触摸,暗影打击,心脏打击,心脏打击,灵界打击,凋零缠绕,寒冬号角,灵界打击,心脏打击,心脏打击,心脏打击,心脏打击,凋零缠绕,凋零缠绕  /cast 符文打击  无脑输出宏,可以当作练级来用,不建议满级继续用。  牺牲宝宝的邪爆宏  #showtooltip 亡者复生  /cast [modifier:shift] 天灾契约  /target pet  /cast 邪爆  /targetlasttarget  /script if UnitIsDead("pet") then PetDismiss(); end  /cast [nopet] 天灾契约  这个你得点了邪爆才能用,好吧这句是废话。  黑暗敕令和亡者之握宏  #showtooltip 死亡之握  /cast [modifier:alt] 黑暗敕令; [modifier:ctrl] 死亡之握; [target=mouseover,exist] 凋零缠绕; 凋零缠绕  如果你觉得人太多你抢不到怪不妨试试这个。  吃宝宝回血宏  #showtooltip  /cast [target=pet,exists,nomodifier:alt,nodead] 死亡契约; [modifier:alt] 复活同伴; 亡者复生  这个宏可以在紧急的时候用,比如你挑战精英怪的时候,这个可比你喝血瓶好的多了。  宠物控制宏  1.啃食宏(关爪击,开跳跃,使用撕扯)  #showtooltip 撕扯  /petattack  /petpassive  /petautocastoff 爪击  /petautocaston 跳跃  /cast [modifier:alt,target=focus,exists] 撕扯;撕扯  这宏好处是保证有能量用撕扯.也不会用了爪击.出现公共CD  2.爪击宏(开爪击,关跳跃)  #showtooltip 爪击  /petdefensive  /petautocaston 爪击  /petautocastoff 跳跃  照应上面的撕扯宏用的.让宝宝恢复DPS状态  其实也不是自己原创的,只是把一些在台服用的转个名字了一下。希望能够帮助大家。  最后在唠叨一句,宏可以用来练习输出循环,不能适合长期依赖他。一个好DK应该适应各种场合,而不是按部就班的输出。  [attachment=7880807]