




罗纳尔多·路易斯·纳扎里奥·达·利马,巴西著名足球运动员,1976年9月18日出生在巴西里约热内卢郊外的本托-里贝罗区(实际生日为9.18,登记生日为9.22)。世界传奇前锋,绰号外星人,国家队大满贯,多次荣获“最佳射手”、“最佳球员”等等荣誉。罗纳尔多曾三度当选世界足球先生、两度当选欧洲足球先生。作为20世纪末以及21世纪初最伟大的球员之一,引领了一个群星璀璨的足球时代。2011年2月14日,被伤病折磨的罗纳尔多最终宣布了自己退役的决定,终结自己18年的职业生涯。2015年2月,罗纳尔多宣布再次复出,加盟美国第二级别联赛的劳德代尔堡前锋足球俱乐部。Ronaldo Luiz nazario de Lima, the famous Brazilian football player, 1976 September 18, was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on the outskirts of Bento Ribeiro zone (actual birthday is 9.18, registration birthday 9.22). World legend striker, nicknamed the aliens, the national team Grand Slam, won the best shooter, best player and so on. Ronaldo was elected to the three degree of the world football, twice elected to European football. As one of the greatest players in the end of twentieth Century and early twenty-first Century, a star studded football era. In February 14, 2011, Ronaldo was injured in the final announced his retirement decision, ending his 18 year career. In 2015 February, Ronaldo announced a comeback, USA joined the second level league Fort Lauderdale strikers football club.