
英语:green glass

英语:green glass


英语:green glass

这是一篇The truth about recyclingFar less controversial is the recycling of glass—except, that is, in places where there is no market for it. Britain, for example, is struggling with a mountain of green glass. It is the largest importer of wine in the world, bringing in more than 1 billion litres every year, much of it in green glass bottles. But with only a tiny wine industry of its own, there is little demand for the resulting glass. Instead what is needed is clear glass, which is turned into bottles for spirits, and often exported to other countries. As a result, says Andy Dawe, WRAP's glass-technology manager, Britain is in the “peculiar situation” of having more green glass than it has production capacity for.遭受较少争议的便是玻璃制品的回收处—也就是,除了在那些缺乏其消费市场的地方。比如说,英国极力在解决绿玻璃成堆成山的问题。英国是世界上最大的葡萄酒进口国,每年都进口十亿瓶葡萄酒,而大多数这些葡萄酒都储存于绿玻璃瓶内。但是尽管英国只拥有一些小型葡萄酒酿制厂,但却对最终使用的玻璃有很少的需求。相反,英国却需要清玻璃,这些玻璃可被制造成储存雪碧的玻璃瓶,并且还经常出口到其它国家。WRAP的玻璃科技部经理安迪•达维(Andy Dawe)讲道,结果英国被置于一个特别的局势之下—绿色玻璃瓶到处都是,却没有能力生产出产品来利用这些玻璃。这里的green glass 指的是绿色的玻璃瓶