




All alone wishing on stars孤单一人向星星许愿Waiting for you to find me等待着你找到我One sweet night I knew I would see一个甜蜜的夜晚我知道我能看见A stranger who'd be my friend一个能够成为我朋友的陌生人When someone in the dark reaches out to you当某人在黑暗中向你伸出手And touches off a spark that comes shining through引发了闪耀的火花It tells you never be afraid它告诉你从不畏惧Then somewhere in your heart you can feel the glow然后,在你内心某处,你可以感受到光辉A light to keep you warm when the night winds blow一点点的光辉去温暖你,当夜晚的风吹过Like it was written in the stars I knew就像我写在星空里的My friend, my someone in the dark was you亲爱的朋友,我在黑暗中的那个人就是你Promise me we'll always be答应我,我们将会永恒Walking the world together一起在世界漫步Hand in hand where dreams never end手牵手,梦没有尽头My star secret friend and me我神秘的朋友和我一起