有首歌的歌词是"to be with you"是什么歌大神们帮帮忙
的有关信息介绍如下:《To Be With You》这首歌是Mr.Big的,被Westlife翻唱过,是Olympus广告歌之一,不过还是感觉原唱有感觉一些。Mr.Big这支乐队的确是以硬派摇滚而著称于世的,但恰恰是他们的慢歌流传最广。其中有两首最为著名,一首是《WILD WORLD》一首是《TO BE WITH YOU 》。尽管他们解散的消息时有时无,但人们一听到这旋律就好像一下子回到了他们的音乐世界里。 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzcyMTgyMjA=.html这是MV地址,你去听一下是不是这首歌 Hold on little girl show me what he's doone to you stand up little girl a broken heart can't be that bad when it's through, it's through fate will twist the both of you so come on baby come on over let me be the one to show you i'm the one who wants to be with you deep inside i hope you feel it too waited on a line of greens and blues just to be the next to be with you build up your confidence so you can be on top for once wake up who cares about little boys that talk too much i seen it all go down your game of love was all rained out so come on baby, come on over let me be the one to hold you i'm the one who wants to be with you deep inside i hope you feel it too waited on a line of greens and blues just to be the next to be with you why be alone when we can be together baby you can make my life worthwhile and i can make you start to smile solo when it's through, it's through fate will twist the both of you so come on baby come on over let me be the one to show you i'm the one who wants to be with you deep inside i hope you feel it too waited on a line of greens and blues just to be the next to be with you