




现代公司文化新词 Wal-Mart effect(沃尔玛效应) (2004-02-05 17:42:14) 来源:国际先驱导报 (来源:国际先驱导报) The economic effects attributable to the Wal-Mart retail chain, including local effects such as forcing smaller competitors out of business and driving down wages, and broader effects such as helping to keep inflation low and productivity high. 以沃尔玛零售连锁店命名的经济效应,包括诸如挤垮规模较小的对手、压低工资等局部效应,以及对维持低通货膨胀率和高生产能力有所促进的更广泛效应。 “At Wal-Mart, ‘everyday low prices’ is more than a slogan; it is the fundamental tenet of a cult masquerading as a company. ...It's no wonder that economists refer to a broad ‘Wal-Mart effect’ that has suppressed inflation and rippled productivity gains through the economy year after year. ” —— “Is Wal-Mart too powerful?,” Business Week, October 6, 2003 “在沃尔玛,‘天天低价’不止是一句标语,而是一条基本原则:它的奉行者表面看来是一家公司,实际上是一群信徒……难怪经济学家们总提到一个宽泛的‘沃尔玛效应’,意指年复一年地抑制通货膨胀,并且把通过提高生产力得来的收益延伸到经济的各个层面。 ——《沃尔玛是否太强大了?》 (美国《商业周刊》2003年10月6日) “By squeezing suppliers to cut wholesale costs, the company has hastened the flight of U.S. manufacturing jobs overseas. Wal-Mart's penny-pinching extends to its own 1.2 million U.S. employees, none of them unionized. By the company's own admission, a full-time worker might not be able to support a family on a Wal-Mart paycheck. ” ——“The Wal-Mart effect,”Los Angeles Times, November 23, 2003 “这家公司通过压榨供货商来削减批发成本,从而使美国制造业的工作岗位加速流向海外。沃尔玛的锱铢必较也不放过自己的120万名美国雇员,而这些雇员都未组织工会。按照该公司自己的说法,一名全职员工靠沃尔玛的薪水也许无力养家糊口。” ——《沃尔玛效应》 (美国《洛杉矶时报》,2003年11月23日)