
santa baby是Taylor Swift的歌吗?

santa baby是Taylor Swift的歌吗?


santa baby是Taylor Swift的歌吗?

《santa baby》是Taylor Swift的歌,但是她是翻唱自Eartha Kitt的。歌名:santa baby所属专辑:《NBC Sounds of the Season: The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection》时长:2:51歌手:Taylor Swift歌词:Santa baby' slip a sable under the tree' for me圣诞宝贝~偷偷地放件貂皮大衣在圣诞树下给我吧~I've been an awful good girl' santa baby我一直都是非常非常好的女孩~ 圣诞宝贝~So hurry down the chimney tonight所以今晚快从烟囱下来Santa baby' a '54 convertible' too' light blue圣诞宝贝~还有一台54年的敞篷车,淡蓝色的喔~Well I'll wait up for you' dear' santa baby我整晚都会等你喔~ 亲爱的圣诞宝贝~So hurry down the chimney tonight' yeah所以今晚快从烟囱下来Think of all the fun I've missed想想那些我错过的乐趣~Think of all the boys I haven't kissed想想那些追我却没被亲到的男生~Next year I could be just as good明年我可能也会是那样"好"的女孩~If you check off my Christmas list只要你都满足我想要的圣诞礼物清单Santa baby' I want a yacht and really that's not a lot圣诞甜心~我想要一台游艇,而且这要求也不多嘛~I've been an angel all year' santa baby我整年都像天使一样圣诞甜心~So hurry down the chimney tonight所以今晚快从烟囱下来Santa' honey' there's one more thing I really do need' the deed圣诞甜心~还有一件东西,我真的想要嘛~地契To a platinum mine' santa honey有白金矿的那种哦~圣诞甜心~So hurry down the chimney tonight所以今晚快从烟囱下来Come and trim my Christmas tree来装饰我的圣诞树吧~With some decorations bought at Tiffany's要用从蒂芬妮买来的装饰~I really do believe in you我真的相信你的存在喔!Let's see if you believe in me我再来看看你信不信任我哦~Santa baby' forgot to mention one little thing圣诞宝贝~忘了和你提一件小东西A ring一个戒指And I don't mean on the phone' santa baby我不是指那个电话铃声哦 圣诞宝贝~So hurry down the chimney tonight所以今晚快从烟囱下来