
run on的用法

run on的用法


run on的用法

run on继续,继续下去;连续不断;流逝;涉及run on1. 继续行进;继续航行:The boat ran on smoothly.小船顺利地继续向前航行。2. 喋喋讲个不休:She will run on for hours about her romantic deeds.提起她的风流韵事她能连续讲好几个小时。3. (时间)流逝:How time runs on!时光过得多快呀!4. 继续下去:Don't interrupt him.Let him run on.别打断他的话,让他讲下去。5. 连写(字母等):The pupils are learning to run their letters on.学生们正在学习把字母连起来写。6. 靠(某种动力或燃料)运转:This kind of walking tractor runs on diesel oil.这种手扶拖拉机靠柴油运转。7. (使)撞在…上:The ship ran on rocks.轮船触礁了。8. (谈话等)涉及;(脑子里)总是想着:His talk ran on recent developments in science and technology.他的讲话涉及科技的新动态。Her mind keeps running on the college entrance examination.她的脑子里总是想着高考。